Monday, October 7, 2013

Growing Up

MicroPoems about growing up on a Texas cattle ranch


Bluebonnet Spring
Bluebonnets abound
in a hill country April
joyful abandon
Calving (haiku)
Late winter, calving
cowboys ride a frozen range
looking for ... summer

Cowboy hat,
boots and saddle,
foot in stirrup
quick and agile.
Rope swings slow
moving cattle.
Bed down soon
water ample.



Bitter morning
head bowed
hunched 'gainst
winter winds.
Slapping hands
Stamping feet
frozen breath
hoar on brow
struggling forward.



Hill Country

Craggy hills
arroyos waiting water.
The heat of
summer beats
on my Stetson
I give my horse
his head
while dozing
in the saddle
He will see
me home



Texas Paradise

A hillside of
my horse's hoofs.
Riding toward
that line the
river below



Cattle Drive

Riding trail is
a nasty job,
cows rumps all
look the same.
Watchful eyes
red with grime,
bandanna over
mouth and nose
keeping out
the dust.



Late winter dawn
cow lowing for her
newborn calf.
Found in
muddy water hole,
roped, dragged out
and cleaned,
and herded
back to mom.

More Calving

early on a
winter morn.
Calving days are
long and hard
Hoar on the grass
around the young,
foggy breaths
halo the cow hands.


After school
and weekends.
Feed the hogs
and chickens,
orphaned or
abandoned calves.
Everything waits
for chores!

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