Tuesday, February 11, 2014

haiku - Page 3

my fingers explore
your hills and caves --- and feel
the quaking begin 
in April wind gusts
a blossoming butterfly
flowers on plum branch

Daisy Petals
loves me, loves me not
daisy petals flood the floor
drought amid bounty 

War Dead
war dead ~
silently await ~
the bugle's call

Life And Death
crows march to and fro
eyeing the dying rabbit
fear and hunger vie

Buddha's Smile
the serenity
of the Buddha's smile --- reborn
a hyacinth blooms

Mountain Lake
Teton mountain lake
windless water flat as glass
mirrored earth and sky

Passing Reflections
passing reflections ~
in the mind's panorama ~
a long winter night

bend of the river ~
building silt changes the flow ~
words pile upon words

mountains and valleys
foray into new exploits
your feminine form

gentle patter of ~
rain of roof tiles --- the thunder ~
of our thoughtless words

Her Happiness
her happiness
my sole desire --- tears bathe
a fertile garden

Broken Hearts
broken hearts in pain
the banked fires of passion add
to our bonds of pearl

The Ant
an ant
struggles up a
mountainous pebble

Spring Cleaning
spring cleaning distress
as an ant struggles up a
mountainous pebble

Spring Baseball
sitting in the sun
thrill at the crack of the bat
spring in Florida

Lonely Mockingbird

lonely mockingbird
sits on my porch railing
singing his desire

Persephone wakes ~
from her winter nap ~
leaves and blossoms sprout 

caffeine beckons
hot, black glory
my mood lightens

laughing children
filling mason jars
with fireflies  

my reflection leapt ~
from the still, clear water ~
liquid mirror

Lady Bug

Lady Bug is a
deadly mistress ... rose aphids
make a tasty snack


sharing the porch
with two flycatchers 
watching the rain

chrysanthemums ~
offered to the Buddha ~
plea for early spring

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